Step 3

Third Step to Follow ........

Third step of the project is Completion

Once you’ve chosen your topic, you need to complete your project. From start to finish, this blog will take you through all the steps. 

Start with Outline for the Project, as explained earlier. Knowing the steps ahead of time will assist you plan your project better.

It’s important that you use good methods in your project. Then you can come back to this page to get more advice on how to Think Up a Research Question and how to Conduct an Experiment.

When you’ve done all that, you’ll be ready to write your report, build your display, and get ready for your Presentation. 

Outline for the project

Some of the best places to go for a complete outline of a science project. Spend some time exploring these sites, as they contain a lot of different resources that will help you get organized.

Paragraph 1
Introduction of your interest in the subject
Where/how you narrowed your focus
Your question
Your prediction
Your hypothesis
Paragraph 2
Expert opinions from 3 sources such as your textbook, science articles, and internet
Background information of your subject
Definitions of terms related to your subject
Paragraph 3
History of subject
Past research of subject

Paragraph 4
Current understanding of subject
Current research
Current uses of the subject

Paragraph 5
Future of subject
How it might be used
How it might change
Paragraph 6
Your use of the scientific method
Steps you went through
Facts you found
Paragraph 7
          Personal opinions
          What you learned
         What other questions now arise

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