Step 2

Second Step to Follow ........

Finding an idea for your project can be the hardest part. Many students struggle to find good topic ideas. Ideas for science fair projects can come from many sources, of course, but the web sites and blogs proposed at the end of the Blog are great places to visit and start to look for topic ideas!

Getting Good Ideas
If you need help deciding what type of project you want to do, look at these websites first. They’ll show you ways to think about the topics that interest you. Then scroll down to scroll down to get more specific ideas about what you want to do.

Ideas and Projects
There are lot of websites that can get you started in the right direction (go to the improvement page in this page for such web sites). Some of them present full projects, while others offer ideas for a research question. Remember, your judges usually give higher scores for the most original projects, so repeating someone else’s work probably isn’t the way to win awards.

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